Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dream Your Dreams to Achieve

There’s a saying: “Aim for the stars and reach for the moon.”

You see, every person smells different, has a different essence.I m simply a normal guy...who loves watching movies...singing songs...hang out with friends...with a special dream in my eyes.......Life has everything; all you need is to be able to connect the dots. You need to work out new combinations. You need to dream.When I was 8 years old, someone asked me what I want to become? Aaa!!..Umm!! . I said Pilot (As airport was nearby my home, and I was quite fascinated about planes and all that.) Then I have grown up a little and at the age of 17 years, someone again asked me what I want to become? I said an engineer (As my father gifted me a radio and the next day I opened it to the last piece, so I thought I can be an engineer). Now I am at my way of completing Master of Business Administration. One of my faculty Mr. Ashish K Pillai asked me what I want to become? In fact, he asked the whole class about the wannabe goal. Different answers (Someone wants to become an entrepreneur, someone wants to get a job in a bank and someone want to get a job as simple) Then I came back to room and starts thinking about what I want to become. ? It was the first day of my life when I dream.

It is not selfish to dream, nor unproductive to envision, for all innovation begins with inviting imagination. Follow your deepest desires to dream of an amazing future that will propel you to your destination. Keep your train on track. The secret to the most successful people, in business and in life, is that they never lose focus, never stop reaching, never stop striving to overcome and accomplish their goals. You can too, right now.With the right dream you will never give up, you will always strive for it, even when you think you have given up on it. With the right dream you will cry tears of pain and tears of joy and at times you will do one of them more than the other.

That’s what I believe.
What you believe!!! Think of it and write it here..

1 comment:

  1. Good one Buddy..I appreciate your yearnings above all guts to follow, which many of the corporate netizens have failed and have been failing...
    Cheers and will look fwd many such good write ups..!!!
